Did you know that Lenawee County has no cat ordinance?
This means that Lenawee County Animal Control does not respond to calls about cats. Your tax dollars can’t help with the cat epidemic happening in our county, but your donations can.

Feline overpopulation is now a nationwide epidemic and shelters simply cannot keep up with the overwhelming amount of cats being born every single day.
Most outside cats are not familiar with humans and would rather live on their own without them. Known as feral cats, community cats, or alley cats, these felines are unhappy being confined inside and cannot safely be handled.
Because they are not tame, we are unable to accept them into our adoption program to re-home as pets.
The alternative? Trap-Neuter-Return.

Trap-Neuter-Return is the only alternative that works for community cats. You trap them, we spay/neuter them, and they are re-released to their original location. By returning the cats to their original location, they reclaim their territory and prohibit unfixed cats from taking their place. The annoying behaviors unfixed cats are famous for (spraying, fighting, yowling) are normally eliminated post-surgery. The cats become friendly neighbors instead of a nuisance.
Without the capability to reproduce, these populations decrease over time.
Ready to help be part of the solution?
Call us at 517-263-3463 to schedule an appointment.
Live trap rental is available.

Pilot Program
Our pilot program launched in December 2014 and covered the 49221 zip code. Originally, our goal was to spay/neuter 200 cats in our target area by the end of February 2015, but because our program quickly picked up speed and was going so well, we were granted additional funds with a new target goal of 300 cats by February 28th, 2015.
We hit our goal by February 20th, 2015 with a week to spare!
Community cats who were trapped but already spayed/neutered received an ear-tip and rabies vaccination before they were released back into their neighborhood.